09 April 2007

Easter, adults only!

Sometimes, being an adult (ha!) is awesome.

For example, take the idea of an adult Easter Egg Hunt. Cleverly hidden plastic eggs which may be redeemed for lottery scratchems, mini-bar liquors, or cash. I was almost more impressed by the concept than by the actual event (almost).

How was your easter?

Julie catch a rabbit by his hair


Anonymous said...

my easter was fabulous. i woke up to julia screaming about hearing the easter bunny come in the morning, and tobin shrieking about the huge toy dumptruck that the easter bunny brought him. then i had peeps for breakfast with aunt patti and uncle dave, we went to the beach and took pictures of a beached 65 foot sailboat, and then we had an early steak dinner. yummy!

Anonymous said...

oh and i was gonna go on an adult easter egg hunt as well on saturday. it had gift certificates, concert tickets, and CDs in the eggs. i missed it though due to laziness, maybe next year.