As you see above, my hat died long ago. And while you can easily identify the monstrous sweat-stain, frayed brim, and other rips, there are things the picture doesn't show:
1. The rusted safety pin that has held the back of the hat together for over 3.5 years.
2. That the inside sweatband was torn out over a year ago.
3. The smell. Combination salt and funk.
My parents bought this hat for me when I was either 15 or 16 at Stingray's restaurant on Rt. 13 on the Eastern Shore (which, btw, is an absolutely fantastic place to eat). I wore it almost unceasingly until this past summer, when I decided that it was too decrepit to wear to my new job. But over these past 5 years, this hat has been with me for every trip, every event. This hat has been with me for all of the great adventures of my life. At this moment, there are 5 pictures of me in my room that I can see from my computer desk- I'm wearing the hat in 3 of these. It has been with me on every single river trip, every search, every hike. I wore it to class, in high school and college. I wore it in my car and outside in the sun, working at summer camp, driving a bus, working on the river. This hat has been to Dry Tortugas National Park twice. It's been to the beach and in the ocean more times than I'd care to count or remember. I beat the shit out of this hat and wore it out.
And now, it's in the trash, the victim of a vicious room-cleaning kick. I will not allow myself to accumulate clothes that are no longer wearable. I will not hang it on my wall like I would have done in high school. And as much as it kills me to actually put it in the garbage can, I know that I will never forget it. And I have a lot of pictures to remember it by.
Goodbye, favorite faithful hat.
Fare you well, fare you well, I love you more than words can tell
Listen to the river sing sweet songs to rock my soul.
1 comment:
Poor abused hat. I'll miss it.
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