Last weekend Brian and I traveled to Snowshoe, WEST VIRGINIA! for a weekend of relaxation with old brmrg buddies. The weekend was indeed relaxing and diverting, and allowed me the chance to hike for a few hours and scout out the Greenbrier river near Cass. The Greenbrier was running full and fast in its banks and I am now itching to get back on the water. Since forever, it's been too dry around here to boat, but I discovered today that the USGS streamflow map of Virginia has more green dots than red ones! It's a good sign.

However, the green dots (which represent 25-75% flow) look so promising. I haven't been on the river in so long! I gave Brian a new blue lifejacket, or PFD (or FLJ) for Christmas, and he's been pestering me about going canoeing lately. Also, we have a free weekend. Let's check out the possibilities:
James- I don't even need to look this one up. The James always has enough water.
Mormons - over 90 cfs, pretty good for this time of year, but unfortunately far below the lower-bound of 300 cfs of what I'd be willing to try on this river, and 300 is scraping rocks all of the way down. Plus, too many rapids for my winter-canoeing comfort zone.
Maury - looks great at over 1,000 cfs but it has a too-high a dunkability factor to be safe in the winter without flotation or decking. I can't wait to do this when it's a little warmer in the spring.
Rivanna - 1000 cfs and still rising. Promising, and so close to home!
South Anna - up around 600 cfs, but it looks like it's topping out. Possible, if it doesn't drop too quickly.
Tye - 160 cfs and dropping. No thanks.
Rapidan - Peaked yesterday and is now dropping rapidly below 200 cfs. Yikes.
Hmm... a few nearby rivers are runnable, but it looks like the Skyline Drive is open. Maybe we'll go hiking instead.
Listen to the river sing sweet songs to rock my soul.