know those really awkward situations when you don't talk to a once-very-close friend for a long time and the longer it gets the more embarrassed you are about not calling them which makes you put off calling them even longer so you don't call even when you have time and want to talk to them just because you're embarrassed about taking so fucking long to get back in touch?
No, me either.
Of course, that's not why I haven't posted in forever... I've...been busy. Well, to be fair, just busy in June. Quick summary of the last few months: moved in with Brian, and into a Newer duplex near downtown; traded in the buick for another buick of similar mileage; decided to punish myself by taking organic chemistry for fun. Anyway.
Tonight will be the second of two evenings thus far for pizza and girls night, with the girls consisting of my cousin, sister, and my cousin's fun roommate. Actually, girls' night may not be limited Just to girls. It's kindof hard to kick Brian out of the house, seeing as he lives there. Not that I'd kick him out in this situation. Vaughan's fiance may come by to keep him company. But, tonight will be fun for sure, seeing as that we're making pizza.
How to make pizza:Mix 2 cups all purpose flour with 1/2 tsp salt, 1 tsp. sugar, and a packet of quick-rise yeast. Add .5 cups of warm water and 1 tbsp veggie oil. Mix and knead until the dough starts to get firm. Put the dough back in the mixing bowl and cover- allow to rise for about 15 minutes. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
While the pizza dough is rising, make the sauce and prepare the toppings. I basically have two sauce recipes that I make.
Fast Sauce: combine equal parts tomato sauce and tomato paste and stir until smooth.
Slow Sauce: Saute 3-ish cloves minced garlic for 2 minutes. Add 14 oz. canned crushed tomatoes and italian seasonings. Simmer until sauce is reduced enough to where it will not make your dough watery (takes a while).
Possible toppings: spinach, onion, garlic, bell peppers, tomatoes, olives, mushrooms, fresh basil, pineapple. Cooked bacon, chicken, hamburger, canadian bacon, kielbasa. Cheddar cheese. Alfredo pizza with chicken was good, but not my favorite, as was barbeque chicken pizza. Endless list. My favorite at the moment is spinach, kielbasa, basil, garlic, and mushrooms.
When the dough is finished rising, roll onto pizza stone or round pizza sheet. Spread sauce thinly. Add mozzerella (about 8 oz) and toppings. Bake for 20 minutes or until crust is brown on the outsides. Don't take the pizza out of the oven unless the crust is seriously brown- if it's not brown, the middle of the crust will be soft.
Yum. My dinner tonight is going to rock.
Then we finished the bottle and broke into mine...